Monday, February 7, 2011

The "Best Super Bowl Party Ever"

We enjoy football in our house ... generally in a napping-doing other things kind of way, but we enjoy it. Most years we end up at a super bowl party somewhere but this year we decided to stay home. We spent Super Bowl Sunday going to church and bible class in the morning then after class we headed out to Sam's Club to do some grocery shopping and find some "Super bowl food." We walked around the store, sampled lots of different foods, and selected a variety of less-than-healthy food for our evening fare. We decided that we would grab a pizza slice for lunch (to top off all the samples we had tried) and then we would just snack for dinner. Daniel was thrilled and exclaimed that "this is going to be the best super bowl party ever!"

I have to agree that it was. We spent the afternoon watching pre-game while doing other things. We played a game of Minotaurus together (board games don't happen nearly often enough for us as a family). Daniel was delighted and Burt and I had a good time also. By the fourth quarter of the game Daniel was falling asleep so we put him in our bed and turned on the TV back there so he could "finish watching the game." He was asleep well before it was over. This morning when he got up he immediately asked me "Did the Packers win?"

It may not have been exciting and the food may not have been gourmet, but it was simple, it was us, and it was the Best Super Bowl Party Ever!